Take the Fruit Test!

Greetings from Bunker Hill Vineyard & Winery!

Take the Fruit Test!

What gives your wine its taste, flavor and bouquet? This may seem like a simple question, but it is at the crux of why and how wines are made. Have you noticed how crystal clear and consistently the color of your wine remains the same? This should be a red flag moment! We had one of our customers state that when she buys her factory produced filtered wine in her home state of Michigan and in Florida they are always exactly the same. We all know that Mother Nature is packed with diversity, not sameness, so what is going on with these factory produced filtered wines? The answer to all this sameness is quite simple; it relates back to why and how wines are made.
The entire stable of wines at Bunker Hill Vineyard and Winery are Unfiltered and made from Whole Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. The colors of our wines will change from year to year and harvest to harvest. Mother Nature sits at our table. Although remarkably clear, BHV wines may display particulates of the fruits or vegetables from which they are made.

This brings us to the “Fruit Test”. Find a safe, flat, place on a counter or table in your home. This needs to be a place where two bottles of wine can be left still and undisturbed. On their sides, lay a bottle of factory produced filtered wine and a bottle of BHV Unfiltered wine. Leave them undisturbed for 30 days. After 30 days, slowly stand up each bottle of wine. On the downside of the BHV bottled wine, you will see a line running the length of the bottle. This is the fruit that is still in suspension and gives the wine its taste, flavor and bouquet. On the factory produced filtered wine there is no line. Turn the factory produced filtered wine to its back label. Look for key words like Hints, Notes, Flavors, Aromas, etc.

When choosing your wines, please, choose wisely!

Thank You…the Green Winer


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